How Can a Listing Website Determine Success of Your ICO/IEO Project?
With a listing/rating website, you can ensure that your project creates a massive impact on its domain. Because that’s the best way to reach investors who would be willing to back your crowdfunding campaign. However, you need to find a website or platform which can be strong enough to put you in such a position.
And that is the actual challenge for any entrepreneur who is trying to make his/her business proposal noticeable in markets. ICO Host is one such website which has unfailingly generated results for various project which tried to raise funds using token-based instruments. A year back, only ICOs were popular for this purpose, but now, IEOs have made an impressive show with a more reliable structure.
Open to ICOs and IEOs both
There are many things different with this instrument which make it trustworthy and more transparent. And that’s why, more investors are being drawn towards it. It has made investment more reliable by making the exchange platform guarantor for the project owner. In ICO, the crowdsale could be driven independently and there is no one to verify if the project is genuine or fake.
That is the reason so many scamsters have also used this instrument and duped a large number of investors. But it still remains one of the most prominent methods of raising capital for a startup among its new counterpart. For a project owner, ICO is less complicated and easy to launch as it does not involve any third party.
Giving chance to every innovator
On the other hand, IEO canonly be launched through an exchange platform. The project owner and exchange have to agree with all the terms of token and profit sharing before the coin is launched. It is definitely a more promising instrument as the platform brings its own user-base and enhances the chances of success for the project.
At the same time, it also reaps benefits for the exchange platform and ensures the investors that the token issuer will not vanish after selling the coins. However, to register your project as an IEO means you have to first strike a deal with the exchange. As a project owner, you may not be able to agree with every term and condition proposed by the exchange.
Pathway for every
potential project
Thus, a great number of projects is still using ICO as the vehicle to reach investors. Having considered the plight of many entrepreneurs who may not wish to share a significant quantum of tokens or profits with exchanges, it is clear that ICO is not going to bite the dust in near future. Therefore, ICO Host gives every chance to all those projects who endeavor to become a success without depending on any other resource or third party.
Simultaneously, it is also giving chances to those projects which are using IEO and making a difference. ICO Host is an all-embracing platform which gives chances to each and every project that has the potential to perform. It is the ultimate pathway to all those investors and innovators who go above and beyond to achieve the impossible.
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